Deme J Karikios Joint 2016 COSA and ANZBCTG Annual Scientific Meeting

Deme J Karikios

Dr Deme Karikios graduated from the University of Sydney Medical Program in 2005 and obtained his FRACP in Medical Oncology in 2012. He is a medical oncologist at Nepean Cancer Care Centre in Sydney with a clinical interest in gastrointestinal, thoracic and genitourinary malignancies. Deme is currently writing up his PhD entitled “The costs and effects of anticancer drugs” at the NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre, University of Sydney, under the primary supervision of Professor Martin Stockler. Deme’s research interests include costs and cost-effectiveness of anticancer drugs, decision making and preferences for expensive unfunded anticancer drugs. Deme has an interest in cancer care policy, is an executive member of the Medical Oncology Group of Australia and chairs the Oncology Drugs Working Group.

Abstracts this author is presenting: