Maree A Bransdon Joint 2016 COSA and ANZBCTG Annual Scientific Meeting

Maree A Bransdon

Maree Bransdon is the Nursing Director for Central Integrated Regional Cancer Service (CIRCS) with over 25 years’ experience in Nursing. Having begun as an Enrolled Nurse at Neringah Palliative Care and Rehabilitation Hospital in Sydney, Maree went on to complete her Baccalaureate and further qualifications with a Grad Cert in Oncology Grad Dip in Midwifery and a Master of Nursing (Women’s Health). Throughout her career, Maree has had the opportunity to develop new initiatives and roles to improve access to care for people affected by cancer. Maree contributed to the publication of the Queensland Health cancer strategy and Queensland Remote Chemotherapy Supervision (QReCS) guide which focuses on the delivery of high quality cancer care services across Queensland. Maree’s current role is committed to supporting services to improve access to care that is consistent, standardised, comprehensive and compassionate as close to home as is safe to do so.

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