Poster Presentation Joint 2016 COSA and ANZBCTG Annual Scientific Meeting

Deployment and standardisation of MOSAIQ Medical Oncology in regional centres (#318)

Brett J Fielding 1 , Maree Bransdon 1
  1. Central Integrated Regional Cancer Service (CIRCS), Queensland Health, Brisbane, Qld, Australia


The introduction of IOIMS (Integrated Oncology Information Management System - based on MOSAIQ) provides a single oncology record enabling seamless access to patient information regardless of the location. The system is centrally deployed across more than thirteen Queensland Health facilities.



The IOIMS implementation was to be a blueprint for Queensland Health and as such the configuration, processes and datasets had to utilise corporate reference data sets (CRDS) and recognised standards where available.



A project was established with team members working collaboratively across the state. MOSIAQ Implementation Teams (MIT) were established and used to provide decisions and data. The technical deployment was managed centrally as well as via local IT support arrangements. Configuration was undertaken centrally drawing on the MITs and business reference groups for guidance. Clinical governance was achieved through three statutory bodies that oversaw the various project phases.

The IOIMS implementation chose Queensland Health corporate datasets as the basis for the practice management component. A care plan (protocol) working group was established with eviQ utilised as the source of truth. A structured approach to the care plan build, initial QA and endorsement process was documented and agreed.



The IOIMS implementation was completed in June 2016 and the clinical functionality is now in stabilisation phase. The ability to interrogate and supply information in a useful and timely manner is now being realised through centralised reporting. Clinical governance underpinned the implementation and facilitated end-user buy in.



Standardisation offers a mechanism to provide quality information that is useful and recognisable both locally and corporately. The site implementations highlight that distance and a remote user base need not be problematic for health IT projects – as long as you have appropriate clinical governance, engagement and a collaborative approach.