Poster Presentation Joint 2016 COSA and ANZBCTG Annual Scientific Meeting

The South Australian Aboriginal Cancer Control Plan 2016-21 and the Value of Partnerships (#316)

Tracey Doherty 1 , Janet Stajic 2 , Chantelle Hislop 3 , Rama Ramanathan 3
  1. SA Cancer Service, SA Health, Adelaide, SA, Australia
  2. Wardliparingga, South Australian Health & Medical Research Institute, Adelaide, South Australia
  3. SA Cancer Service, SA Health, Adelaide, South Australia

The South Australia Cancer Clinical Network developed the inaugural Aboriginal Companion Document to the Statewide Cancer Control Plan (2011– 2015) in response to recognised disparities in cancer outcomes for Aboriginal people. Maintaining the original partnership approach, SA Cancer Service (SACS) embarked on the next phase of this initiative in collaboration with the Aboriginal Health Council of South Australia (ACHSA), Cancer Council SA and the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI).
The SA Aboriginal Cancer Control Plan (SAACCP) 2016-2021 used an audit of outcomes from the previous plan as the precursor to develop an updated, community informed, evidence based plan for the next 5 years. Recommendations were to be pragmatic and have potential for tangible progress.
Stakeholder engagement included varied and far reaching community consultations led and performed by an Aboriginal project officer. Quantitative and qualitative data from the Cancer Data and Aboriginal Disparities (CanDAD) project provided a sound and local evidence base for the plan and recommendations and strategies from relevant national and state policies and guidelines were also included. All stakeholders had opportunity to review the SAACCP 2016-2021 draft to ensure that the essence and priorities reflected were consistent with community, researcher and service provider views.
Utilsing a model of wellbeing, the SAACCP 2016-2021 has a particular focus on reducing preventable cancers, detecting cancer at an early stage and improving coordination and access to culturally sensitive care along Optimal Cancer Pathways. Implementation of the SAACCP 2016-21 is planned to occur under the governance of a new SA Aboriginal Chronic Disease Consortium which will also oversee implementation of the SA Aboriginal Heart & Stroke and Diabetes plans. Key partnerships are expanding and there is growing confidence in the ability to progress real change together.