Oral Presentation Joint 2016 COSA and ANZBCTG Annual Scientific Meeting

How do I do that again? Vodcasts for patients with feeding tubes and swallowing difficulties  (#52)

Hannah Ray 1 , Rhys Hughes 1 , Lauren Muir 1 , Nicole Kiss 1 2 , Jenelle Loeliger 1 , Belinda Steer 1
  1. Nutrition and Speech Pathology Department, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
  2. School of Health Sciences, Univesity of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia

Introduction: Patients undergoing cancer treatment receive a broad range of information from many health professionals which can quickly become overwhelming. Patients and carers find it difficult to process and remember information provided. Web-based educational tools are becoming more widely used as they allow their audience to watch when, where and how they want.

Objectives: This multidisciplinary project aims to develop a series of visual instructional modules (vodcasts) for patients with feeding tubes or swallowing difficulties.

Methods: Vodcast topics were determined through clinician, patient and carer focus groups. Patients were asked to describe relevant education received and their level of satisfaction, what gaps existed, and what vodcast topics would be most beneficial for future patients. Vodcasts were designed based on focus group themes, produced by a professional media company and planned for implementation into clinical practice at local and national health services.  

Results: Focus groups identified that patient recollection of provided education was poor. Patients and carers acknowledged information overload and inability to recall and process the education provided. Confirmed vodcast topics included: how to administer a syringe bolus via gastrostomy, how to administer gravity bolus via nasogastric tube, administration of medications via feeding tubes, laryngectomy care and thickening fluids. The vodcasts are viewable online on the EviQ website (www.eviq.org.au) and on USB or DVD.

Conclusions: Evaluation will be conducted at two time-points in 2016-2017. It is intended that vodcasts will increase patient safety/confidence, be an adjunct to face-to-face clinician education, provide an avenue for troubleshooting for patients/carers and promote best clinical practice.